Spinecare Topics

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Spinecare Introduction
Evaluating Your Doctor

Evaluating Your Doctor:

During the course of being evaluated, your physician may recommend additional diagnostic testing.  You should feel comfortable asking questions about any tests that are recommended.  The physician’s response to your questions will help you determine whether or not you want to proceed with the test.  Some questions you may wish to ask are listed below:

  • Do you have any brochures or information about the recommended testing procedure? 
  • Is there a website I can go to for more information?
  • What information do you expect to get from the test?
  • Will the diagnostic information likely change the course of care?
  • Why do you want me to have this test?
  • What do you expect to learn from this test and how it will impact my care?
  • What can I expect before, during, and after the procedure?
  • What does the test involve?
  • Are there any special preparations required?
  • How long the test will take?
  • Will any medications or drugs administered?
  • Will the test be uncomfortable or painful?
  • What does the test mean if it is positive or negative?
  • If the test shows some abnormalities, would it potentially change the course of my care at this time? 
  • Is this the type of test that could be repeated in the future to see if I am getting better?
  • Can this type of test be used to evaluate my response to treatment?
  • Are there any other alternative tests, which would provide the same information and which may be less costly and less invasive?
  • Are there any alternative tests that would provide more information about my problem?
  • Is the test that you are ordering being performed on the latest technology available in this area? (Newer technology may offer more accurate information).
  • How far do I have to go to get the test done? 
  • Where is the nearest facility that can perform the test?

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To learn more about your spine. spinehealth, and available spinecare go to the International Spine Assocition (ISA) at www.spineinformation.org. The primary mission of the ISA is to improve spinehealth and spinecare through education. The ISA is committed to disseminating need-to-know information throught the World Wide Web in numerous languages covering many topics related to the spine, including information about spine disorders, spine heath, advances in technology and available spinecare

All health information posted on the site is based on the latest research and national treatment standards, and have been written or reviewed and appoved by the American Acedemy of Spine Physicians and/or International Spine Association physicians or health professionals unless otherwise specified.

The information provided on this site is designed to support. not replace,
the relationship that exists between patient/site visitor and his/her physician.